Boiler Water Treatment ULTRA-3410

Contains a blend of polyphosphate, polymer, sulfite, alkalinity builder. This product can be used in both Hard and Soft water,better efficiency is gained in soft water. This product can be used as stand alone or in conjunction with others. Recommended where one shot type of treatment is used such as schools, industrial boilers are used.

This product needs @ least 160 F feedwater temperature to provide satisfactory Sodium Sulfite. This product may be used as a stand alone treatment containing no return line treatment. It may be supplemented.

Sodium Sulfite 30-60 ppm
P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Phosphate(Total) 20-40 ppm
Feed Rate 0.19-0.25 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 12 lbs

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Boiler Water Treatment ULTRA-3415

Contains a blend of polyphosphate, polymer, sulfite, alkalinity builder. This product can be used in both Hard and Soft water,better efficiency is gained in soft water. These products can be used as stand alone or in conjunction with others. Recommended where one shot type of treatment is used such as small schools, small industrial boilers are used.

This product needs @ least 160 F feedwater temperature to provide satisfactory Sodium Sulfite. This product contains Return Line Treatment. This product may be used as a stand alone treatment containing return line treatment. It may be supplemented for longer steam runs.

Sodium Sulfite 30-60 ppm
P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Phosphate(Total) 20-40 ppm
Ph Condensate(furthest Point)7.8-8.3
Feed Rate 0.19-0.25 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 12.5 bs

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Boiler Water Treatment ULTRA-3700

Contains a blend of polyphosphate, polymer, sulfite, alkalinity builder. This product can be used in both Hard and Soft water,better efficiency is gained in soft water. This products can be used as stand alone or in conjunction with others. Recommended where one shot type of treatment is used such as schools, industrial boilers are used.

This product needs @ least 150 F feedwater temperature to provide satisfactory Sodium Sulfite. This product may be used as a stand alone treatment containing return line treatment. It may be supplemented.

Sodium Sulfite 30-60 ppm
P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Phosphate(Total) 20-40 ppm
Feed Rate 0.17-0.23 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 12.5 bs

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Boiler Water Treatment ULTRA-3900

Contains a blend of polyphosphate, polymer, sulfite, alkalinity builder. This product can be used in both Hard and Soft water,better efficiency is gained in soft water. These products can be used as stand alone or in conjunction with others. Recommended where one shot type of treatment is used such as schools, industrial boilers are used.

This product needs @ least 140 F feedwater temperature to provide satisfactory Sodium Sulfite. This product contains Return Line Treatment This product may be used as a stand alone treatment containing return line treatment. It may be supplemented.

Sodium Sulfite 30-60 ppm
P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Phosphate(Total) 20-40 ppm
Ph Condensate(furthest Point)7.8-8.3
Feed Rate 0.15-0.21 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 12.5 bs

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Boiler Water Treatment ULTRA-4215

Contains a blend of phosphonate, polymer, sulfite, alkalinity builder. This product can be used in both Hard and Soft water,better efficiency is gained in soft water. This product can be used as stand alone or in conjunction with others. Recommended where one shot type of treatment is used such as schools, industrial boilers are used.

This product needs @ least 160 F feedwater temperature to provide satisfactory Sodium Sulfite. This product may be used as a stand alone treatment containing no return line treatment. It may be supplemented. This product produces a finer ,less stickier sludge than phosphate based treatment. It will clean up a dirty sight glass and produce a very light tea color boiler water,even with a high sludge count.

Sodium Sulfite 30-60 ppm
P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Phosphonate 8-12 ppm as HEDP
Feed Rate 0.19-0.25 lbs per 1000 gallons MU / canister weight 10 bs

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Boiler Water Treatment ULTRA-4220

Contains a blend of phosphosphate, polymer, sulfite, alkalinity builder,return blend. This product can be used in both Hard and Soft water,better efficiency is gained in soft water. These products can be used as stand alone or in conjunction with others. Recommended where one shot type of treatment is used such as schools, industrial boilers are used.

This product needs @ least 160 F feedwater temperature to provide satisfactory Sodium Sulfite. This product contains Return Line Treatment This product may be used as a stand alone treatment containing return line treatment. It may be supplemented. This product produces a finer ,less stickier sludge than phosphate based treatment. It will clean up a dirty sight glass and produce a very light tea color boiler water,even with a high sludge count.

Sodium Sulfite 30-60 ppm
P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Phosphonate 8-12 ppm as HEDP
Ph Condensate(furthest Point)7.8-8.3
Feed Rate 0.19-0.25 lbs per 1000 gallons MU / canister weight 10.5 bs

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Boiler Water Treatment ULTRA-7115

Contains a blend of EDTA Chelant, Polymer. This product does an excellent job of protecting higher pressure steam boilers against corrosion and scale. I will produce passivated,scale-free surfaces which will maximize heat transfer. This product can be used only in Soft water.

This product needs to be supplemented with Oxygen scavenger and Alkalinity Builder. Recommended in boilers over 150 psi, must be feed through a specialized quill. This product is corrosive when overfed. This product should only be used with a qualified boiler operator who does daily testing.

EDTA 2-4 ppm
Feed Rate 0.15-0.20 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 11 lbs

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Boiler Water Treatment ULTRA-3480

Contains a blend of polyphosphate, polymer, alkalinity builder.

This product can be used in both Hard and Soft water,better efficiency is gained in soft water. This product does not contain Sulfite and needs to be supplemented This product does not contain return line treatment.

P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Phosphate(Total) 20-40 ppm
Feed Rate 0.10-0.15 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 11.5 lbs

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Boiler Water Treatment Corguard 422

Contains a blend of Nitrite, phosphonate, Alkalinity Builders, ion specific sludge conditioner.

This product can be used in both Hard and Soft water, better efficiency is gained in soft water. This product can be used as stand alone. Recommended where one shot type of treatment is used such as schools, industrial boilers are used. This product is best utilized in small, low-make-up, low pressure boilers.

Sodium Nitrite 500-800 ppm
Feed Rate 0.20-0.25 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 11 lbs

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Boiler Water Treatment MolyGuard 512

Molyguard 512 is used for both low and high pressure boilers. Oxygen scavenging is achieved by a synergistic mode of Molybdate, EDTA and metal specific azoles. For complete scale protection this product contains a specialized blend of phosphonates and terpolymer. Typical Molybdate ranges are 60 -80 ppm as filtered Mo6+.

This product should be supplemented with steam and return line protection such as Volamine 1115N.

P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Moly 6+ 60-80 ppm
uMHOS 3750 neutralized
Feed Rate .083 -0.10 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 11.5 lbs

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Boiler Water Treatment MolyGuard 619

Molyguard 619 is used for both low and high pressure boilers. Oxygen scavenging is achieved by a synergistic mode of Molybdate, EDTA and metal specific azoles. For complete scale protection this product contains a specialized blend of phosphonates and terpolymer. Typical Molybdate ranges are 60-80 ppm as filtered Mo6+.

This product contains a blend of amines Deae and Cyclohexlamine.

P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Moly 6+ 60-80 ppm
uMHOS 3750 neutralized
Ph Condensate(furthest Point)7.8-8.3
Feed Rate .083 -0.10 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 11.5 lbs

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Boiler Water Treatment Oxy-Scav

Contains essentially 99.5%active sulfite. Catalysed for a quick reaction time, this reaction time is miliseconds. This gives quick saturation of oxygen into non-corrosive byproduct sodium sulfate.

This product is a supplement to the main boiler treatments

Sodium Sulfite 30-60 ppm
Feed Rate 0.10-.019 lbs per 1000 gallons MU(Actual dosage dependent on
MU water temperature)/ canister weight 12.5 lbs

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Boiler Water Treatment Oxy-Scav Plus

Same as above but contains return line treatment. Contains a blend of Cyclohexlamine and Deae. Catalysed for a quick reaction time, this reaction time is miliseconds. This gives quick saturation of oxygen into non-corrosive byproduct sodium sulfate.

This product is a supplement to the main boiler treatments. This product not only will maintain proper sulfite but will add a boost to return system PH.

Sodium Sulfite 30-60 ppm
Feed Rate 0.10-.019 lbs per 1000 gallons MU (Actual dosage dependent on MU water
temperature)/ canister weight 12.5 lbs

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Boiler Water Treatment PH PLUS

Ph plus contains essentially 98.5% active Potash. Ph plus is used as a supplement to raise Alkalinity into range. This occurs in high hardness water as well as boilers limited in cycles of concentration.

P Alkalinity 250-500 ppm
Feed Rate 0.083-.095 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 7 lbs
Actual dosage depends on make-up water hardness.

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Supplemental Sludge Conditioner TERP-2415

The Solid Approach product Terp-2415 is a supplemental State of The Art Terpolymer Patented sludge conditioning agent.

This one product contains three terpolymer groups for superior scale control.
Acrylic acid(AA),Sulfonic Acid(SA) and Sodium Styrene Sulfonate(SSS) Terp-2415 fuctions by several mechanisms.

Threshold Inhibition- whereby a few ppm of terpolymer can effectively inhibit
precipitation of hundreds or thousand times as many scale-forming minerals.
Sequestration/Solubilization- whereby a few ppm of terpolymer van extend the
solublity of certain minerals.

Crystal Distortion-whereby a few ppm of terpolymer can distort or modify the crystal lattice structure of scale-forming minerals.These now distorted crystals are less dense and do not adhere to transfer surfaces.

It all means that with Terp-2415 you can slowly clean-up previously scaled boilers as well as previously scaled towers. On Hard water systems this supplement will maintain boilers essentially spotless. In Today's world of increasing Energy costs, this a plus.

For Boilers severity and type of scale will dicate dosage, maintain same pressure as main boiler product Ultra, set pump @ 1/2 dosage of Ultra Product.

During clean-up it is best to maintain Nacl/uMHOS at low end of range. This will
disperse sludge and scale down drain.

Polymer as PTU 8-10
Feed Rate .09 - .12 lbs per 1000 gallons MU/ canister weight 7 lbs
Actual dosage depends on make-up water hardness and operating conditions

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